UPDATED Chick Order List - Added info.!

UPDATED Order List - 4/21/17

We still have a few Snowy Mallards and Fawn & White Runners for sale.
 As of Monday, 4/24 all remaining ducklings will be $12.99/ea
Stop by before we close Saturday and get your ducklings for $9.99/ea!

Rhode Island Red pullets - $3.69/ea
As of Monday, 4/24 all remaining R.I. Reds will be $5.00/ea and will continue to increase in price each week they go unsold.
They will be 3 weeks old on 4/25.

Dates to keep in mind:

Turkeys – Straight Run ONLY  - Price is TBD
 Bourbon Red Turkeys
 Narragansett turkeys
 Royal Palm turkeys

Bantams!!! ALL Straight Run Only!!!
Assorted Silkies
 Assorted Cochin Bantams
 Assorted Frizzle Cochin Bantams
 Mille Fluer D’uccle Bantams
 Assorted Seabright Bantams

 Th-th-th-tha-tha-tha-that's all, folks!

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